Ça chauffe à l’Ucad: Affr0ntement entre étudiants et FDS (Vidéo) ActualitésPolitiqueSenegal7Tv Par Djily Mbayang On Mai 15, 2023 Students clash on February 1, 2012 with security forces at the University of Dakar, a day after the death of a student during an opposition rally. Thousands of opposition supporters had gathered to protest President Abdoulaye Wade's plans to run for a third term in the February 26 election, which they claim is illegal as the constitution allows only for two terms. AFP PHOTO Mamadou Toure BEHAN / AFP PHOTO / Mamadou Toure BEHAN Partager Ça chauffe à l’Ucad: Affrontement entre étudiants et FDS UCAD Partager
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