VIDEO – Tabaski 2009 à Touba : Le discours de Serigne Bara Mbacké VideoReligionSOCIETEVideos Par Assane Seye On Août 22, 2018 (FILES) Photo dated 05 August 2007, shows the new Khalifa General (spiritual leader) of the Muslim Mouride Brotherhood, Bara Falilou, who succeeded Serigne Saliou Mbacke who died 28 December 2007, aged 92, and was buried on the same day in Touba, the holy city of Mouridism, 200km east of Dakar. AFP PHOTO / SEYLLOU (Photo credit should read SEYLLOU/AFP/Getty Images) 0 Partager Cheikh KANE / SENEGAL7 Serigne Bara MbackéTabaski 2009TOUBA 0 Partager